Monday, December 29, 2008

My poor heart...

Recently events in my life have changed my way of thinking. ... I do not want what I thought was good for me, and changing my thinking is something that has been really hard..... especially realizing that what I thought was good enough for me wasn't good at all... not making any sense?? GOOD!!!

All I know for sure is that I am loved by some very amazing people... and for now, that is enough....

Thanks for the love... thanks for being my friend... I thank Heavenly Father for the people he sends into my life..daily..


We Makes 3 said...

I love you Kim, I know its gotta be hard, but you can do it! I am always here for you.

We Makes 3 said...

I love you Kim, I know its gotta be hard, but you can do it! I am always here for you.