I am teaching a new class at the YMCA today. It is called Group Active, and I love doing it. The class we had this morning was totally packed. Even my good buddy Rob came. Go Rob! He was sweating it up with the rest of us. I think it is such a fun power packed hour of cardio, strength flexibility, and balance. I smile the whole class long, even though I am totally out of breath by the end of cardio. Eh... Who needs to breathe? LOL If you live close, come get a pass and try it out.
My grandpa is in the hospital today.
Depending on his sight....take him a word search or a crossword puzzle.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. I would bring him Sudoko. Love that game, but crosswords in large print work too!
I would love to take a class from you. I love to sweat and feel those endorphins. FUN!
Maybe when I am "in town". Love keepin in touch with you.
You guys rock! those are all good ideas. Thank You!
I am glad that you are starting to feel better Kim. I just wanted to come up and give you a hug sunday in church
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